Yesterday, we were playing around with Arduino again. This time Javier and me went to bigger project. A led that turns on when the computer detects a face with the webcam. After solving issues with the Internet connection we divided the work. He went into the task of manipulating the Arduino from Processing and I install the opencv and the respective libraries for processing.


Here are the steps:

1. Install processing.  Just download, uncompress and run.

2. Install opencv. Just open Terminal and execute the next command

sudo apt-get install libcv2.1 libcvaux2.1 libhighgui2.1

3. Find the sketchbook folder. To find the Processing sketchbook location on your computer, open the Preferences window from the Processing application and look for the "Sketchbook location" item at the top. So, for example, my sketchbook was located in /home/roberto/sketches.

4. Find or create the libraries folder. Inside the sketchbook folder (/home/roberto/sketches) there should be another folder called libraries. If you don't find  it, just create it.

5. Download the library. Click here or look for the last version in the official web page.

6. Uncompress the tar.gz

7. Copy the whole uncompressed folder into the libraries folder. In my case /home/roberto/sketches/libraries. Normally the installation finish here, however it does not work because some of the files are named differently (different version of opencv)

8. Open a Terminal an create the following symbolic links with these commands:

sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

9. Open processing and paste the code. Just past this code in the processing window.

10. A small change in the previous code.  Just change this line

opencv.cascade( OpenCV.CASCADE_FRONTALFACE_ALT );    // load the FRONTALFACE description file

for this one

opencv.cascade( "/usr/local/share/OpenCV/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml" );    // load the FRONTALFACE description file

Actually, I found more than one file. So it probably worth these others files. I just went to try them! The second one is much faster.


11. Run the code and enjoy.

It's amazing how easily you can run very cool libraries to let your imagination fly. Don't miss Javier's blog who is going to post about the whole mini-project with Arduino included during this week.


I trained an Adaboost classifier to distinguish between two artistic styles. A tecnichal report of my results can be found on my account. This sort of tutorial - or more precisely collection of blog posts - explains the steps and provides the code to create an image classifier from histograms of oriented edges, colors and intensities. Therefore you can replicate my methodology to any other problems.

There are two main steps on this: (1) produce the features of the images, and (2) train and use the classifier. I started the blog sequence from the classifier that I used (Adaboost), and then continue explaining how to produce features for big collections. Probably this is a weird way of viewing the problem because I am starting from the last step,however I found that most of the decisions I took in the process were justified by the input I wanted to reach. I also recommend to check the comments where I have answered multiple questions during the time of existance of this posts.


This post follow the same idea as Lots of features from color histograms on a directory of images but using Edge orientation histograms in global and local features.

Basically I wanted to construct a collection of different edge orientation histograms for a collection of images that were saved in a directory. The histograms were calculated in different regions so I could get a lot of features. The images were numerated so the name of the file coincides with a number. The first thing I noticed was that I shouldn't use the code of Edge orientation histograms in global and local features directly because it was very inefficient. There is no need of calculating the gradients each time. It is better to do it just once and then extract the histogram from regions of this initial process. For this reason I divided that function in two functions: extract_edges and hist_edges. Here are both codes:

# parameters
# - the image
function [data] = extract_edges(im)

% define the filters for the 5 types of edges
f2 = zeros(3,3,5);
f2(:,:,1) = [1 2 1;0 0 0;-1 -2 -1];
f2(:,:,2) = [-1 0 1;-2 0 2;-1 0 1];
f2(:,:,3) = [2 2 -1;2 -1 -1; -1 -1 -1];
f2(:,:,4) = [-1 2 2; -1 -1 2; -1 -1 -1];
f2(:,:,5) = [-1 0 1;0 0 0;1 0 -1];

% the size of the image
ys = size(im,1);
xs = size(im,2);

# The image has to be in gray scale (intensities)
if (isrgb(im))
    im = rgb2gray(im);

# Build a new matrix of the same size of the image
# and 5 dimensions to save the gradients
im2 = zeros(ys,xs,5);

# iterate over the posible directions
for i = 1:5
    # apply the sobel mask
    im2(:,:,i) = filter2(f2(:,:,i), im);

# calculate the max sobel gradient
[mmax, maxp] = max(im2,[],3);
# save just the index (type) of the orientation
# and ignore the value of the gradient
im2 = maxp;

# detect the edges using the default Octave parameters
ime = edge(im, 'canny');

# multiply against the types of orientations detected
# by the Sobel masks
data = im2.*ime;
function [data] = histo_edges(im, edges, r)

% size of the image
ys = size(im,1);
xs = size(im,2);
size = round(ys/r) * round(xs/r);

# produce a structur to save all the bins of the
# histogram of each region
eoh = zeros(r,r,6);
# for each region
for j = 1:r
    for i = 1:r
        # extract the subimage
        clip = edges(round((j-1)*ys/r+1):round(j*ys/r),round((i-1)*xs/r+1):round(i*xs/r));
        # calculate the histogram for the region
        eoh(j,i,:) = (hist(makelinear(clip), 0:5)*100)/numel(clip);

# take out the zeros
eoh = eoh(:,:,2:6);

# represent all the histograms on one vector
data = zeros(1,numel(eoh));
data(:) = eoh(:);

Now, with this two functions and following the idea of Lots of features from color histograms on a directory of images, it is possible to generate the features in just one vector for each of the images:

function [t_set] = extract_eohs(dir, samples, filename)

fibs = [1,2,3,5,8,13];
total = 0;
ranges = [6, 2];
for fib = 1:size(fibs)(2)
    ranges(fib,1) = total + 1;
    total += 5*fibs(fib)*fibs(fib);
    ranges(fib,2) = total;

histo = zeros(samples, total);

for ind = 1:samples
    im = imread(strcat(dir, int2str(ind)));
    edges = extract_edges(im);
    for fib = 1:size(fibs)(2)
        histo(ind,ranges(fib,1):ranges(fib,2)) = histo_edges(im, edges, fibs(fib));
save("-text", filename, "histo");
save("-text", "ranges.dat", "ranges");

t_set = ranges;


In my last course of computer vision and learning, I was working on a project to recognize between two styles of paintings. I decided to use the Adaboost algorithm [1]. I am going to describe the steps and code to make the algorithm run.

Step 0. The binary classification

This is not a step, but you have to be clear that this algorithm is just for classifying two classes. For example, ones from zeros, faces from non-faces or, in my case, baroque from renaissance paintings.

Step 1. Prepare the files.

There are several ways of introducing the samples to the algorithm. I found that the easiest way was using simple csv files. Also, you DO NOT have to worry about dividing the samples in training or testing. Just put all in the same files, OpenCV is going to divide the set picking the training/testings samples automatically. Then it is a good idea to put all the samples of the first class at the beginning and the second class at the end.

The format is very simple. The first column is going to be the category (however you can specify the exact column if your file does not follow this format). The rest of the columns are going to be the features of your problem. For example, I could have used three features. Each of them represent the average of red, blue and green per pixel in the image. So my csv file should look like this. Note that in the first column I am using a character. I recommend to do that so OpenCV is going to recognize that is a category (again you could specify that this a category an not a number).


NOTE: For a very strange reason the OpenCV implementation does not work with less than 11 samples. So this file should have at leas 11 rows.  Just put some more to be sure and because you will need to specify a testing set as well.

Step 2. Opening the file

Let's suppose that the file is called "samples.csv" This would be the code:

 //1. Declare a structure to keep the data
CvMLData cvml;
//2. Read the file
//3. Indicate which column is the response

Step 3. Splitting the samples

Let's suppose that our file has 100 rows. This code would select 40 for the training.

 //1. Select 40 for the training
CvTrainTestSplit cvtts(40, true);
//2. Assign the division to the data

Step 4. The training process

Let's suppose that I got 1000 features (columns in the csv after the response) and that I want to train the algorithm with just 100 (the second parameter in the next code)

 //1. Declare the classifier
CvBoost boost;
//2. Train it with 100 features
boost.train(&cvml, CvBoostParams(CvBoost::REAL, 100, 0, 1, false, 0), false);

The description of each of the arguments can be find here.

Step 5. Calculating the testing and training error

The error corresponds to the misclassified samples. Then, there could be two possible errors: the training and the testing.

 // 1. Declare a couple of vectors to save the predictions of each sample
std::vector train_responses, test_responses;
// 2. Calculate the training error
float fl1 = boost.calc_error(&cvml,CV_TRAIN_ERROR,&train_responses);
// 3. Calculate the test error
float fl2 = boost.calc_error(&cvml,CV_TEST_ERROR,&test_responses);

Note that the responses for each samples are saved in the train_responses and test_responses vectors. This is very useful to calculate confusion matrix (false positives, false negatives, true positives and false negatives and roc curves. I ll be posting how to build them with R.

Step 6. Save your classifier!!

You probably wouldn't mind at the beginning when it takes a few seconds to train something but you definitely don't want to lost it after a couple of hours or days that you waited for the results:

 // Save the trained classifier"./trained_boost.xml", "boost");

Step 7. Compiling the whole code

The whole code is pasted at the end. To compile it, use this

g++ -ggdb `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -o `basename main` main.cpp `pkg-config --libs opencv`;

Here is the file with my code.


#include <cstdlib>
#include "opencv/cv.h"
#include "opencv/ml.h"
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

/* STEP 2. Opening the file */
//1. Declare a structure to keep the data
CvMLData cvml;
//2. Read the file
//3. Indicate which column is the response

/* STEP 3. Splitting the samples */
//1. Select 40 for the training
CvTrainTestSplit cvtts(40, true);
//2. Assign the division to the data
printf("Training ... ");

/* STEP 4. The training */
//1. Declare the classifier
CvBoost boost;
//2. Train it with 100 features
boost.train(&cvml, CvBoostParams(CvBoost::REAL, 100, 0, 1, false, 0), false);

/* STEP 5. Calculating the testing and training error */
// 1. Declare a couple of vectors to save the predictions of each sample
std::vector train_responses, test_responses;
// 2. Calculate the training error
float fl1 = boost.calc_error(&cvml,CV_TRAIN_ERROR,&train_responses);
// 3. Calculate the test error
float fl2 = boost.calc_error(&cvml,CV_TEST_ERROR,&test_responses);
printf("Error train %f n", fl1);
printf("Error test %f n", fl2);

/* STEP 6. Save your classifier */
// Save the trained classifier"./trained_boost.xml", "boost");
